Hawaii Firearm Safety Course
Take a course with our instructors!Interested in a class?
You can find our next firearm safety course offerings on our Eventbrite link. Please feel free to stop by there.

Basic Handgun Safety Course
This course is a basic introduction to firearms, and will cover a variety of topics to help you understand the inner working and proper use of your handgun. Although this class teaches some marksmanship principals, it is mostly designed to ensure that you understand the basics of handgun safety in general; this understanding will help ensure that are fully capable of safely operating and using your firearm.
After you have made your reservation, please email a picture of your government issued ID to classes@thehdf.org.
If you would rather present your ID in person please contact us at the above email so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Basic Multigun Safety Course
This course takes our popular Basic Handgun Safety Course and adds additional material covering the basics of rifles and shotgun. While training is not required to purchase a long gun in Hawaii, many of our students have found this class extremely helpful in helping them to understand which path they’d like to take on their road to firearms ownership.
After you have made your reservation, please email a picture of your government issued ID to classes@thehdf.org.
If you would rather present your ID in person please contact us at the above email so we can make the necessary arrangements.
Why do you need a copy of our ID?
The affidavit provided on completion of the course is a legal document stating that you have been educated in safe firearms handling and state law. HPD checks these documents carefully to ensure that the name on the affidavit matches the individual. By providing us with us with a photo of your ID, you help us ensure that you purchase firearm proceeds timely manner. HDF does not use your information in any other way.
What is the refund policy?
No refunds except for extenuating circumstance (deployment, birth of a child etc.). Please understand that when you purchase a class from us, you have taken away the ability for us to fill that seat. We only teach a limited number of people, so that can really hurt us. Rescheduling also hurts us, since another seat is then lost to a future student. If something arises, we will authorize you to reschedule the class to another date in the next 3 months. We can only book you into classes that have available seating. We work hard to keep things flowing, but some people have been abusing the system 🙁 . Therefore, “No call – No shows” will forfeit their seat in our course.